Sunday 17 May 2015

Day off

Bonjour! x

To be honest, there is no day where I’m not ‚on the go‘ & even when there would be one without traveling - no not gonna happen. I love it and so do I today! It’s sunday and I’m currently in CZ. In less than 3 hours I’m back to VIE for some chill hours with bæ and translating my portfolio.

If you travel a lot you have this mental plan of all the things you need and have to take with you. It’s like a disease, you don’t want to think about it - but you do. Since the point where you wake up until you finally put your things together. On the one hand super helpful - I’m never ever forgetting something - on the other hand super annoying.

So I hope y’all enjoy your sunday and survive tomorrow!

My day in 4 pictures 

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